Neale's Blog

Friday, April 07, 2006

Landmark Reformers

Just a quick note the say that I've just discovered a blog that is close to my heart. 'ML' has written a blog, and started an email group, making a stand for organisational change at Landmark.

I agree. The programmes are magical. The design team does a magnificent job. What seems stuck is in the area of marketing. Surely a good marketing department would be looking at the long term trends of what has people have a positive experience. So far, I've only ever been to two events where the focus was entirely on providing the results on that night. Those events were the 'one evening only' Causing the Miraculous, and Living a Created Life seminars. Everyone left those events with a new found enthusiasm, and probably in a far more receptive space for having someone phone them to offer a place in a future course.


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